Andre Lafond: Ready to go come rain or shine!

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Here are my thoughts for the upcoming race weekend at Silverstone as well as a brief recap of my time in the UK so far! Due to Covid 19 travel restrictions and the lengthy process needed to get my FIA license, I arrived in the UK quite late. But Meeting everyone at Low Dempsey Racing was a great experience! I am getting along well with my teammates and they have helped a lot with helping me get used to the car. And the entirety of the team has been absolutely fantastic! I cannot wait to see what the rest of the season holds for us. Due to my late arrival however, prior to the race at Knockhill, I had a total of two days on track in the car, one of which was in the dry. 

Despite the lack of experience, I was consistently picking up pace throughout the weekend, and made up positions in both races, finishing in the top ten in class in race 2! And in no small part due to the help from my teammates, Max and Colin, and the fantastic support from the whole of Low Dempsey Racing throughout the weekend. 

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Coming from Karting with little experience in cars, there is still a lot I need to learn. This weekend I will focus on getting as much seat time and learning/improving as much as possible. But with more experience under my belt, I am really looking forward to the upcoming race weekend. The layout that will be used at Silverstone this weekend looks like it will make finding a draft or tow crucial for qualifying and the race. But at the time of writing, the weather forecast calls for rain almost all weekend, which should make for an action packed race weekend! Either way, the field should be pretty closely grouped. But as always the weather can change at any minute, so it is anyone’s guess for what it will be like come race day. 

- Andre Lafond


Andre Lafond: My thoughts post Silverstone


Colin Queen: We fight on! Post-Race thoughts on my second BRSCC National Race at Knockhill